Turkmenistan and the EU strengthen cooperation in the field of ecology

The Government of Turkmenistan and the European Union are preparing a high–level meeting that will be devoted to strengthening cooperation in the environmental sphere - reducing methane emissions, using the possibilities of hydrogen and "Green Transition". 

The oil and gas sector may become the locomotive of the “zero” trend

Climate change is no longer a problem for the future - it is a problem "now", said Dmitry Shlapachenko, UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan, at the OGT 2022 meeting on innovative technologies and know-how in the field of hydrocarbon production and emission reduction.

OGT 2022: Macro-scale of the green Agenda and local approaches

The new edition of the annual oil and gas forum of Turkmenistan – OGT 2022 – is published under the title "Environmental aspects of hydrocarbon resources extraction". 

Bidding on SCRMET: LNG and diesel fuel prices have increased over the week

Last week, 30 deals totaling $83 million and 15 million Turkmen manats were concluded at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, ORIENT correspondent reports.

The volume of Turkmen gas supplies to Azerbaijan via Iran will amount to 1.5 billion cubic meters

1.5 billion cubic meters of gas will be sent from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan via Iran. According to Azerbaijani media, Iranian Oil Minister Javad Ovji said this on the first day of the conference within the framework of the Baku Energy Forum.

Azerbaijan is interested in Turkmen gas supplies via Iran

The relevance of the implementation of the project for transporting Turkmen gas from Iran to Azerbaijan was emphasized during the talks by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev and Minister of Oil of the Islamic Republic of Iran Javad Ovji. This was reported by the AZERTAC news agency with reference to the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.

Iran is ready to transport Turkmen gas to Armenia via swap system

Iranian Ambassador to Armenia Abbas Badakhshan Zohuri considers it possible that a new cooperation between Iran and Armenia will start in the near future in the form of a gas swap. This is reported by "Armenpress" agency.

Representatives of the countries participating in the TAPI project assessed the progress of its implementation

On Friday, Mary hosted an international conference on the construction of the TAPI gas pipeline (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) and the impact of the project on the socio-economic development of the region, the organizers told ORIENT.

Turkmenistan has become one of the main suppliers of petroleum products for Georgia

Charge d'affaires of Georgia in Turkmenistan Avtandil Napetvaridze said that Turkmenistan has become one of the main suppliers of petroleum products for Georgia. An article by a Georgian diplomat dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the restoration of Georgian statehood was published in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

Turkmenistan has increased gas supplies to China by one and a half times

Turkmenistan in January-April 2022 increased natural gas exports to China by 1.53 times in monetary terms compared to the same period in 2021, TASS writes with reference to the Main Customs Administration of the People's Republic of China. 
