Consultants from Germany will join the construction of the city of Arkadag in Turkmenistan

The State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan is authorized to enter into a contract with the German company Goetzpartners Emerging Markets GmbH for the provision of consulting services for the construction of facilities in the industrial zone of the city of Arkadag for the production of food, industrial, pharmaceutical and medical products.

The corresponding Resolution was signed by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the TDH news agency reports.

The participation of the German company in the project should contribute to the successful solution of the tasks outlined in the Program “Revival of a new era of a powerful state: National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052”, as well as the harmonious development of the regions and the city of Arkadag.