The Turkmen fuel and energy complex continues stable growth in extraction and export abroad

According to his report, the Turkmen gas exporters who fulfilled the production plan for delivery of "blue" fuel abroad by 136,2%, achieved the greatest success.

Further their colleagues go with less good results on extraction of natural and associated gas, though also their indicators considerably above planned targets - 123,5%. That has provided both that, and another high enough rate of increase as compared with the same period of the past year - 137,5% and 123,3% accordingly.

All it, considering unexpected energy collapse and leapfrog with the fantastic prices for energy carriers, should please the traditional consumers who in time have signed with Turkmenistan long-term agreements on deliveries of gas.

The results, but with more modest indicators, and other divisions of Turkmen fuel and energy complex pleased us as well.

So, manufacturers of polypropylene carried out their obligations by 108,4 %. The manufacturers of gasoline, who fulfilled their production plan by 108,2%, conceded them following the results of 9 months of the current year a little. And the growth of indicators on development of investments stopped at the figure of 104,7%.

One of the perspective directions for the subsequent progress of Turkmen fuel and energy complex observers see in more active development of deposits of the Caspian Sea. The Turkmen leader pointed out to heads of the fuel and energy complex necessity of acceleration of building of gas pipeline TAPI which (by the way that is very important) also vigorously is supported by the new authorities of Afghanistan.